Fiskars Xact Rake
13 tine rake
Fiskars Xact rake with 13 tines made of durable aluminium. Smooth part on the head for smoothing surfaces and small saw on the side for cutting small roots. Available on our website at the best price.
The levelling of the trailbuilding tracks is a meticulous job and one of the last steps to leave the terrain in optimum condition. With the Fislars Xact rake with 13 teeth we guarantee an unbeatable finish in the smoothing and levelling of the last layer of terrain, perhaps the most important, so that the section lasts over time. Its 13-tooth head and its smooth part on the upper part of the head will be the best tool to leave the path with a wonderful appearance. But not only that, it also has a small serration on one side so that, in case of small roots, we can remove them without any problem. The maintenance and construction of mountain bike paths and trails is taken to the next level. Do not hesitate to buy this Fiskars Xact rake on our website.
Fiskars is the best manufacturer of professional hand tools for forestry use.
Measurements of the Fiskars Xact Rake:
- Length: 164 cms
- Width: 37 cms
- Weight: 1 kgs
- Teeth: 13
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